Special Issue: Election Special 2010


In the runup to the 2010 elections, while the country was gripped by Tea Party madness, what started as a joke between me and my colleagues turned into the Phoenix‘s “hot, throbbing election special”: an issue featuring bespoke political slash fiction. Our pairings? Palin/O’Donnell, Kerry/Brown, and Stewart/Cooper/Maddow (oh, yes).

You can read them all here — if you dare.

Writing these was like going into a fugue state. Basically, I remember typing the words “petal-pink Versace power suit,” blacking out, and then waking up with 600 words about Sarah Palin seducing Christine O’Donnell into her first lesbian witch experience. (Which involved rune-inscribed dildos, moose entrails, and a bikini made of skinned wolf heads.)

Just another day at the office, doncha know.